Luo Three Legged Side TableThe people of the Luo Tribe in Kenya created this sturdy, decorative, hand beaded side table. The glass beads are a trademark of the Luo people both in their clothing and in the art that they create. These peaceful people live on the shores of Lake Victoria.
LuxLock with Brass/Rhodium ChainClassic style. Chunky chain of brass that is electroplated with rhodium. Rhodium is a member of the platinum family of metals. Edgy yet classic.
Majestic Prone Lion Book EndsA Facsimilies, Ltd. reproduction of two lion sculptures. These resin pieces are a reproduction of the two marble lions carved by Antonio Canova in 1792 that guard the tomb of Pope Clement XIII in the Vatican. These reproductions depict two prone but alert lions, they have an ivory finish with the appearance of plaster. The maker’s sticker is attached to the underside.
Manthani Churner For centuries, Mathani were used to churn raw cream into butter. Electricity and automation have radically changed the use of mathani but they still are used in remote villages in India. These found objects ship with both an iron wall mount fixture and an iron floor stand.
Marble Statue of Guan Yin Buddha Bust
Intricate marble carving of the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy and Compassion, Guan Yin. Her name translates to "The One Who Hears the Cries of the World." Her youthful face is peaceful and serene framed by a headdress of flowers.